About Us

We are a team of developers that care about the quality of our work, but also the quality of our lives. We strive to be the best developers to our clients, but the best fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters and members of our communities that we can. We balance our work with our life. Let us prove to you that the best decision you can make for your business is to trust us with your web and modile development needs.

Why Choose Us?

  • Comitment
  • Passion
  • Excellence
  • Experience

Meet the Team

To reach a team member directly place an @ before their first name in the contact form below. They will receive the email directly.


Dan Arroyo

Lead Mobile Developer




Lead Web Developer



HelloKitty StormTrooper

Director of Project Delivery


Get In Touch

Please fill out the form below to send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible. To reach a team member directly place an @ before their first name in the message section below. They will receive the email directly.

Contact Info

Baltimore, MD 21228

Email info (at) sadsumo.com